Breed question


Dec 28, 2022
Hello, I bought some chicks from farm and fleet back in April and was told they were cinnamon queens. However, now that they're grown they don't have single combs so I don't think it's correct. Any idea what this girl is? Pictures are at 1 day, ~2 months, and 7 months.

They are indeed Cinnamon Queens. These come in two separate crosses, one of which is a red cock over a silver laced Wyandotte hen. That is what you have, and the rose comb comes from the Wyandotte.
Thank you! I absolutely love them and want more, so now I know what to look for.
5 months or so, usually. Since yours was born so late in the year she may wait until Spring to start. I would guess February or early March, but it could happen any time. Her big, red comb is a good sign that she is ready to lay.
I realize this is late, but I just got four Cinnamon Queens on February 3rd. There was a language gap but from what I picked up, they were about the same age and allegedly ready to lay. One had a much redder comb than the other three. The hen with the red comb, later named Big Momma, instantly became the leader and has taught the other three everything they need to know to be pretty much self-sufficient. She then proceeded to lay her first egg with us on February 9th and a second one (much larger) today. I'm already smitten with her docile, quite, sweet nature, the work she put in to train the rest, and the eggs. Cinnamon Queens were the only egg layers the farm had so I didn't really have a choice but might have picked this breed, anyway. Then Big Momma went and grew on me and I'm preemptively sad about their short life span.

We are in South Florida where the light is never too low for eggs, but I hope you are all getting some from your Queens, too.

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