Breed recommendations for indoor doves or pigeons.

I keep Chinese owl pigeons, and they're neat to have.
We were able to locate a pair of parlor rollers. It worked out well since DD was competing at state fair so it made the 4.5 hour drive dual purpose.

They seem to have settled in, they started sitting on their eggs yesterday.

ETA; They are in a hutch in our garage until I get the loft finished up. We didn't expect them to lay so soon. Hope they don't mind the move to larger quarters after the hatch. Thinking positive thoughts for them.
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yes, i have adults, banded and unbanded males and females, and unbanded young, all grounded except one so far, and at a few months at oldest some of young are already trying to strut coo and pair up.. apparently what i heard of their prolific nature partially due to quick maturity, was not false. i got a deal on mine were costed only $25.00 per pair, and sixty for shipping (from west AR to east TN), and think i got the box for free as was used, but had to take all four pairs, as she was downsizing to make room for more fancy show and sound English trumpeters. so i got a deal getting more, but had to take more than i was wanting actually. i got good colors in the mix though, and they amuse the heck outta me and are great droppers and haven't tried letting them keep own eggs of raise young yet. they are pretty tame, but don't need to be as once they're over month to three outta the nest, they are pretty much grounded anyway, and just flip when they try to fly. only special need is to be kept in low height cage (40' x 24' x 20" should be good for small children to be able to access), as adults as they can climb and hop up high then jump off or get startled then tumble/roll down injuring selves (as one hen i have did for some reason constantly before got new lower cages just for them).
Did you get your from a person in Mount Vernen ?
pigeons and dove make great pets in my opinion. Capuchines are my favorite breed for in the house.The best way to keep down on odor and dust is to clean out the cage/ pen daily. This also depends on how many birds you are getting. I have 3, one Capuchine and 2 old german owls. They fit comfortably in a two story ferret/small mammal cage. It is about 4 1/2 feet tall by 3-ish feet wide. We also have an aviary outside for them. Pigeons need lots of time and space to get exercise. They also need lots of social interaction. My bird for 4-H is the capuchine because he is very exotic looking. To keep them from making a mess in the house I made them pigeon harnesses/diapers. They work great. Not my picture,But here is a diaper pigeons could wear.
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