Breed Science-- making a new breed.

Also wikipedia isn't completely useless. Depending on what the references used in making the articles, they can very useful especially when it's actually from reliable documents.
This is from the one on the subject of Dwarfism in poultry.
Chickens and peacocks make viable offspring, but the resulting chicks are generally sterile. It's like making a mule or hinny - you can breed stuff that's in the same Genus, usually. Horses and donkeys are both Equine, or Equus, and can reproduce together.

Chickens are Gallus Gallus Domesticus, a scientific name. Their Genus is Gallus, or Junglefowl. You can breed chickens back to Junglefowl and get different birds.

Pheasants, peafowl, turkeys, junglefowl, old world quail and chickens all belong to the Family Phasianidae. They're related, but not super closely related. Getting viable offspring from mixing these guys is hard. Sometimes you get lucky and get viable offspring, but the majority of them, like the chicken/turkey hybrids, don't make it.

Looking at this bird, I believe it is a Peacock x Chicken hybrid. Judging by the colors and the way it looks, it looks hybridized. But this is the ONLY chickpea hybrid he's ever had hatched. He has his own chickens and wild peacocks that wander the neighborhood. Surely if it was easier for birds in the family Phasianidae to breed, there'd be more birds like this wandering around.
I looked up owls and chickens crossed and found this.....View attachment 2750296like do you just get to see a owl eat a chick? Or buy a owl and feed it chicks?
Again, this is not possible. There is no such thing as a chicken / owl cross. Those pictures are not real, at least they are not chicken / owl hybrids. The one pic is of an owl EATING a chicken, not a cross of a chicken and an owl.
It really looks like you need to take care of the ones you already have. The one missing the feathers on its neck looks like it has to do with improper roosting bars or picking by other chickens, possibly due to overcrowding. Please do not hatch any eggs.
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