Breed suggestions for docile roosters?

The Bielefelder's I mentioned were very bad to my girls. They were a pack of 4 roosters that would hunt and ambush the hens to say the least. I cleaned house and those same hens are about 2yo and when my 6mo wyandotte tries to mount, they fling him off and he's running in circles trying to get away because she has him by the wing lol

I was about to come into this thread cheering on Bielefelders. All four that I have had in my experience have always been deferential to the hens. I've never seen any forcing. I wonder if they were emboldened by being in the same clique? Including a pic of my brown leghorn trying to entice him, haha.

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About Speckled Sussex; the hens are great, but here, cockerels from three different hatcheries were 50% nice, and 50% jerks. I gave up on them, only have SS hens now.
i know you didn't want white birds (why not?) but my white Chanteclers have all been very nice! Big dual purpose birds, lovely.
I too have had miserable hatchery RIR and EE cockerels!
Salmon Favorelles have been very sweet, including the roosters. Beautiful too.
The French Marans cockerels we've had were nice, but didn't keep any to maturity, they moved to other homes instead.
If you want to raise dual purpose birds, bantam roosters won't fit your breeding plans.
Do pick some straight run chicks of breeds that look interesting and raise them up in spring. Hopefully one or two of the cockerels will work out for you.
As you can see just from this thread, ask what breed of chicken has such and such qualities and you'll get recommended just about every breed you are likely to be able to get if the thread goes on for long enough.
This should tell you a couple of things. One, there isn't any particular breed that is necessarily any better than another and people will post about the experiences they've had with their chickens.
Next you will get those who will tell you it's all in the genes and bad breeds bad.
There isn't any evidence for this and for those who will write about their bad rooster and that roosters bad offspring, one cannot help wondering if the constant factor determing these roosters behaviour is the keeper.
If you are having as you describe, repeated nightmares with various breeds of rooster, perhaps it's your keeping arrangements that are the probllem rather than the chickens.
I was about to come into this thread cheering on Bielefelders. All four that I have had in my experience have always been deferential to the hens. I've never seen any forcing. I wonder if they were emboldened by being in the same clique? Including a pic of my brown leghorn trying to entice him, haha.
Yea I had 3 hens ripped open from top to bottom and had to put one of them down before I seen what was happening. I never thought roosters would hunt in a pack like that. One would grab a hen by the head as she ran by and hold her. 2 more would take a wing and the 4th would jump on from behind. They would hold her down until all 4 had there go. About the 3rd time braking that up I popped the leader with the 22 and put a big dent in there little click. Thought it was funny, every rooster they had picked on came to give him a head bite and a goodbye kick. I kept 1 to hatch a replacement and gave one of the hatch to my aunt who says he's a good boy. The one I kept is ok I guess but I haven't seen anything special personality wise with him.

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