Breeder Pen Designs *Inspire Me*.

Hi guys I just wanted to say that now I'm officially lurking on this thread!!!

To bad more people haven't posted their ideas.
Hi guys I just wanted to say that now I'm officially lurking on this thread!!!

To bad more people haven't posted their ideas.

I agree... the coop pages are very good too though.

some of the cute little coops can work for breeders, just make lots of them.

Or, look through the 'big coops' section. A good number of those have multiple pens.
I found an apple orchard near us with a huge stack of old apple crates I am going over there to see if I can liberate some....they are like perfect size just have to add a roof and a run to's hoping will post pictures if it works out
I'm looking into building hoop coops for mobile turkey breeder pens. Does anyone have any experience making these coops mobile but still predator proof to all predators from least weasels to raccoons and bobcats? I'm thinking about using 1/2 inch hardware cloth all over except the bottom but still having an external skirt and also an internal skirt.
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I'm going to apologize in advance for stealing pics...I don't remember who either of these coops belong to, but in the interest of revamping this thread I will post them. If you own these coops and don't want me reposting your pic, let me know and I will take it down. If you do own these coops, and care to join in on the conversation, please let us know what you'd change, or what features you really like :) Thanks!

Right now I'm thinking that I'd like to use the bottom design rather than the top, mostly because of the way that the designated breeder pen area is laid out. If I remember correctly, this coop also had access from the back, which will be good because the outdoor run area will likely be a bit bigger than in the pic and also extended out into my horse pasture a little bit. I plan on having 6-7 of these side by side to accomodate all of the varieties I will be working with.
I have 2 coops similar to this design. One feature that I do not like about them is the A frame style roof. I placed one about 3 feet from my larger coop/run and when it rains, the run off from this style roof hammers down so hard down the side that it saturates the run are of the larger coop/run. I plan to move/space them further apart. Just an FYI for placement in your scenario.

In the upper pic, a slight slanted roof towards the back of the set up allows for rain run off to be away from the other coops and ability to adjoin them and keep utilizing for add-on's in the future. You can always extend the back roof edge to be long enough so if you have to stand under it in the rain, you won't get soaked.

I personally like and want some like the 1st pic.
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Saving this thread. Here's a breeder pen I built
it doesn't have an inside area but works well. During winter I put my breeders in the main coop so the breeder pens don't need to be cold proof. I have Cochins in that pen right now and they are just fine with it. I made the whole thing out of old stuff just laying around and took me about 4 hours to build it (I'm only 14 so most could build one faster) but at night I have some plywood normally used as pig boards bit not at night so the rain won't blow in from the sides. It is movable but hard to do so lol.

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