Breeding different colored cochins?


Trigger Pullet
11 Years
Mar 27, 2009
Turns out one of my Cochins is a Roo, a Blue one. I have 5 other cochins(girls) and each one is a different,white,blue and partridge. What colors would the chicks turn out to be if I let him breed to all of them? Should I only hatch the eggs that are from the blue hen(or the black one that was hatched as a" blue"?)
Blue X Blue = 50% Blue, 25% Black, 25% Splash

Blue X Black = 50% Blue, 50% Black

Blue X White unpredictable , could get all different combinations of color.

Blue X partridge , shoud give you a blue chick with some brown/red leakage showing when grown.

You can cross him with the blue, black and even white to get more BBS birds. When you throw in the partridge you may end up with non-standard colors in subsequent generations. Some people might say not to use the white either for that reason.
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I have some emperical evidence for you! Your combinations may vary. I only have one white hen and one black roo. I used to have two buff hens as well, and all of them were bred to the black. All the black/white chicks are black. All the black/buff chicks are black, with weird white lacing around the neck. The white one also had a lovechild with a lavender Silkie, and that chick is black, also.
Wow, all this info is really neat. I think I will only let the blue or black hens eggs ever develop past the breakfast table stage, now to figure out who the eggs belong to.Anyone have a "how to" link to build a nest box that closes behind the hen when she steps in there?Hmmm...
I think that crossing a blue roo over a black hen will give you some blue and some black, crossing that roo with a white hen will give you mixed colors (Some white, blue, ect.) mixing with a blue will give you 50% blue and 50% splash (i think that is the right percents..) and mixing a partridge.. well i have no clue on that one
But i am no gene expert.
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Hmmm that would be a neat lil contraption , great idea. However I wouldnt know where to begin

You could always put a drop of food coloring on the hens vent area (different color on each hen) then when they lay their egg their would be color streak on the egg. I have read about others who have done this to identify which hen layed what egg but have not tried it yet.


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