Think that top chick is toting enough bling?
No wonder they get those big ol' "round" legs!
Now them's some meaty looking chicks right there!
Just think of the stock you could make with legs and feet like that!
I almost hate to post this
............................................................................ who am a kidding, this is blatant bragging right here ............................. It is 70 and sunny here!!!!!
Might want to re-think that.  I don't understand how a laxative could help chicks retain fluids and I never will. :he

The thing is is molasses really a laxative it is mostly sugar and you are watering it down ?
Yes jest because they like it does not mean it is good for them like spray foam I have not seen a chicken yet that dose not think it is cocain
Or dogs to anti-freeze they drink it like it is molasses. ...
Enjoy it we had a snow storm yesterday and today it was raining all morning but that is the weather here until may 24 weekend

I could NEVER survive your winters, seriously. I am convinced every year I won't survive ours. I am nearly always cold. I bring a coat to work w/ me all year long including our summers of 100+ degrees b/c of air conditioning inside.

I view 50 F as the coldest temps for human living! lol
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Hay I will try anything once I can't see anything wrong with molasses

It isn't ness. for the chicks, adding honey to water is done for shipped chicks to give them a little extra energy from the stress of being shipped and are usually a couple of days past hatch w/o food or water. Giving a "new born" a laxative even a weak one can have negative effects. Home hatched or broody hatched don't have the same stress and don't need the additives. If you feel you must add something add vitamins, that doesn't add any stress to the chicks.

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