@DesertChic Getting closer to being done. I think I'm going to re-do the drawer fronts on the top 2 drawers due to excessive gap.

That is looking fantastic!!! I may have to pick your brain a little when I'm finally free to step away from the 'chicken projects' and can get back to building furniture. You're obviously well-skilled in several techniques I've only read about but have yet to attempt. Being self-taught in woodworking has been an enriching experience, but a little tutoring would be much appreciated.
[@=/u/316369/DesertChic]@DesertChic[/@] Getting closer to being done. I think I'm going to re-do the drawer fronts on the top 2 drawers due to excessive gap.
That is looking fantastic!!! I may have to pick your brain a little when I'm finally free to step away from the 'chicken projects' and can get back to building furniture. You're obviously well-skilled in several techniques I've only read about but have yet to attempt. Being self-taught in woodworking has been an enriching experience, but a little tutoring would be much appreciated. ;)
Well, the biggest cost of any project is decent wood (and the biggest headache is finding decent wood)! The cool part of this dresser is that it's made completely from "construction grade" Douglas fir and pine from Lowes and Home Depot. The other coolness is rock solid construction from solid wood with bulletproof joints, no particle board or plywood here! The drawback is that it weighs about 300 pounds! P.S., I am also self taught, I took a woodworking class in high school back in the early 70's, but all I built was a chessboard. The real secret is good tools, and I am a tool packrat!
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Ya I know they probably do I just have never seen or cared to look but thanks they might even have them at country memories day in McVeytown they do it every year there u would be lucky to find a parking spot in the hole town plus it's busy also because people put there stuff out to yard sale while all of those people are out and about
Well, the biggest cost of any project is decent wood (and the biggest headache is finding decent wood)! The cool part of this dresser is that it's made completely from "construction grade" Douglas fir and pine from Lowes and Home Depot. The other coolness is rock solid construction from solid wood with bulletproof joints, no particle board or plywood here! The drawback is that it weighs about 300 pounds!

P.S., I am also self taught, I took a woodworking class in high school back in the early 70's, but all I built was a chessboard. The real secret is good tools, and I am a tool packrat!

LOL, I resemble that comment. My biggest 'tool investment' was a cabinet style SawStop. LOVE that baby!
Same. It is really good if u brush real Maple syrup on it when its about done!
You are all killing me with this bacon talk. Did you ever try PIG CANDY? Put smoked thick bacon on a cookie sheet, slap on some pure maple syrup, spinkle on brown sugar, a little bit of cayenne pepper to your liking and bake in the oven until crispy. Let it cool and you have Pig Candy!
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