I think I killed the thread
nope.. just got a batch into an incubator my first time .. got to look not touch, it every time I think of it... which is all the time lol

except when I was planting onions and leeks
Gathering eggs to hatch ?well it's best if you don't have to breed from a hen less than one year old . she should have been laying for several weeks before you start Gathering the eggs. February March and April are the best times to set eggs for hatching.
if you have an older rooster, a really good breeding is the older rooster to the younger hen
or the older hen to the younger rooster
your eggs and your chicks will not be as big if you breed from a bird that is under 1 year old . they need to be older to lay the larger, healthier eggs.
Best ,
What age is adequate to start breeding rir for a clutch? Any help would be great. Thanks in advance

I'm certainly not as learned as some of the more experienced breeders here, but for large fowl I have a rule of not trying to hatch any eggs smaller than 1.80 ounces, and preferably at least 2 ounces, and not until I'm confident the pullet is no longer laying double-yolkers. The quality of the egg is very important. No matter how old the pullet/hen, if her eggs are not "optimal" then I won't hatch.
Gathering eggs to hatch ?well it's best if you don't have to breed from a hen less than one year old . she should have been laying for several weeks before you start Gathering the eggs. February March and April are the best times to set eggs for hatching.
if you have an older rooster, a really good breeding is the older rooster to the younger hen
or the older hen to the younger rooster
your eggs and your chicks will not be as big if you breed from a bird that is under 1 year old . they need to be older to lay the larger, healthier eggs.
Best ,

It would be fine to gather eggs from a hen that is almost a year though right?
Here in WA the hens egg laying is just starting to pick up.

On a different note do any of you guys practice trapnesting? About half of our hens are laying and I don't have the time to sit out there all day and watch to see who lays. Do you guys have any recommendations as to how to find out? or your experience using trapnests?
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I'm certainly not as learned as some of the more experienced breeders here, but for large fowl I have a rule of not trying to hatch any eggs smaller than 1.80 ounces, and preferably at least 2 ounces, and not until I'm confident the pullet is no longer laying double-yolkers. The quality of the egg is very important. No matter how old the pullet/hen, if her eggs are not "optimal" then I won't hatch.
Interesting so your younger hens tend to lay double yolkers?
I only have one hen my EE that tends to lay double yolkers, but she is older, and I can tell because the eggs are bigger than normal.
When this new crop of young hens starts laying I will be watching for that.
It would be fine to gather eggs from a hen that is almost a year though right?
Here in WA the hens egg laying is just starting to pick up.

On a different note do any of you guys practice trapnesting? About half of our hens are laying and I don't have the time to sit out there all day and watch to see who lays. Do you guys have any recommendations as to how to find out? or your experience using trapnests?

Last time I mentioned an idea for iding laying hens, I got slammed so not doing that again .If you are sure your pullets are laying quality eggs, then find an older cock for them. Best not to breed pullet to cockerel.
Interesting so your younger hens tend to lay double yolkers?
I only have one hen my EE that tends to lay double yolkers, but she is older, and I can tell because the eggs are bigger than normal.
When this new crop of young hens starts laying I will be watching for that.

My leghorn pullets started laying huge double yolkers and then after awhile got straightened out. The eggs were so big I was afraid they were going to blow out.
_ Last time I mentioned an idea for iding laying hens, I got slammed so not doing that again .If you are sure your pullets are laying quality eggs, then find an older cock for them. Best not to breed pullet to cockerel.
I have found all of your input very helpful!!!!!!
EDITED to try and keep myself from getting in trouble.
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