Breeding frizzles


In the Brooder
Apr 16, 2015
I have seen several posts saying your not supposed to breed frizzles with another frizzle but none of them say why. I have been looking for weeks trying to find a frizzle chicken and the only local person I have found that sells them breeds them together. Should I not order from him? What issues can come up from two frizzle parents?
When you breed two frizzles together, there is a 25% chance that the chick will inherit two copies of the frizzle gene. This causes terrible feather issues and should be avoided. Look up 'frazzle' chickens if you want to see what can happen.
I have seen several posts saying your not supposed to breed frizzles with another frizzle but none of them say why. I have been looking for weeks trying to find a frizzle chicken and the only local person I have found that sells them breeds them together. Should I not order from him? What issues can come up from two frizzle parents?
Well where do you live
2 frizzles bread together make 25% frazzled and that is leathal 70% of the time, and most of the others are delicate.
If you're buying point of lay from the local they will be fine. Day olds you might loose a few, and from eggs expect to get only about a 1/3 being the good frizzles and Murphy says they will be mostly roosters

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