"Breeding mutts worsens the poultry hobby for everyone"???

90% of my chickens are mutts . . . . So I feel that I am qualified to debate this subject . . .

So, here I go

The idea of "pure breed" was created by man.
When you really think of it, whether its dogs, chickens, etc.
To make many of the breeds of chicken you have to breed in the traits from different chickens that you want to create a specific "breed" for.
NO one chicken is pure. IN a way all chicken are mutts same thing for breeds of dogs.
In the dog world, mutts are actually stronger then purebreds.
Too much of the same gene or over breeding can make it a weak animal or cause defects.

How do new breeds appear in the first place? From people experimenting with breeding different chickens till they get what they desire.
I see nothing wrong with "mutts"in my opinion.

Its the owners choice.
Why is it rude for someone to give their opinion? Don't be hypocritical by denying someone the right to have an opinion and express it.

All you have to say is, "Well, I don't agree with you." And leave it at that.
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I think its the way he expressed it that was considered rude.
He should definitely be aloud to have his own opinion, but he shouldn't insult people who don't carry the same opinion as he does
Sometimes opinions aren't needed or should be worded differently. It sounded like the guy was trying to be high and mighty with his opinion. Like his statement wasn't an opinion, just an absolute fact.
I have plenty of opinions myself, sometimes negative but I don't tell a person that they're stupid.
I think its the way he expressed it that was considered rude.
He should definitely be aloud to have his own opinion, but he shouldn't insult people who don't carry the same opinion as he does

Yes this.
I'd call them "Designer Chickens" kinda like dog breeders who mix dog breeds and call them "designer dogs" LOL. Give them cute "designer names" and sell them for $$$! I think we may be on to something here LOL.

Personally I LOVE mutts. Don't listen to the guy. If it makes you happy, and the chickens are healthy and go to good homes... more power to you!
I don't have a clue why some folks have a problem with mixed breed chickens. I mean, if I am breeding mutts for my backyard flock, how is that hurting the "elite" birds of serious breeders?? Or how are their purebreds hurting me and my flock?

Sometimes breeder snobbery gets out of hand.

If folks don't like my turken/brahma crosses the solution is simple. They shouldn't have any turken/brahma crosses.

What I do with my birds, short of abuse, is my business. The opposite is also true.

The day someone starts paying for the feed my birds consume, care for them on a daily basis and fret when one is doing poorly is the day they can tell me what to do with them. Until then.....
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