Breeding orpingtons? Colour questions.


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 29, 2008
Hello all,

Firstly, what a great community you all have here!

I've been thinking for the past year or so about keeping chickens. It won't be possible for another couple of years (lots of time to learn!) but when I do I've got my heart set on buff, white, and black orpingtons (or possibly australorps - black orps seem hard to find in Canada).

I'm wondering what colour combinations are possible by crossing these breeds?

Thanks so much for the help,
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Welcome. I have buff, blue and black. there is also splash which is white and black.
SpeckeledHen has some beautiful orps. Look up her page, I think she has pictures.
I link it for you, but I don't know how.
Thank you RepoBob.

So, if I cross a black and a white orpington, it is possible to get a splash?
What about a blue?
What would a buff/black or a buff/white cross look like?

I'm really interested in which colours are possible from crossing just these birds so I can decide what colour of rooster to keep.

Thanks again for such a quick reply. I appreciate it.
Blue to blue cause the Splash. You can't breed Blue to Black to get it. Not many Whites around so I can't tell you anything about that color. Buffs to the Blue or Black look okay but nothing spectacular I do have a young one now that was Splash Roo over buff hen and it is really unusual. Not keeping it though as I try to keep my colors pure.
I can't tell you anything about white since I don't keep any white chickens, other than one Lt Brahma that was sold as a Buff Brahma. I only have Blue/Black/Splash Orpingtons and my breeding adults are all blues currently. Out of this last hatch I got three blacks, two blues and one splash. Usually, I get mostly blues out of my trio. And I don't plan to put any Buff Orps in with the blues at this time.
Do you have a pic of the blue/buff? I was just woundering what it would look like, Im interested in blues and buffs but I was woundering what the cross would look like? or if I should stick with just blues, I definetly want blues.
Don't mean to hijack the thread but I was going to ask a simular question about Buff Orphs and Black Australorps.

Is a Black Australorp basicly a Black Orphington? (AUSTRAL-ian ORP-hington) I was thinking of seeing what I get if I was to use my Black Australorp Roo to cross with my Buff Orphington hens.

What do you chicken experts say about this?

No they are not the same. Type is different. Aussies are very pretty though. I don't think they are as low sset to the ground and maybe not as broad in the chest.

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