Breeding to reduce comb points.


10 Years
Jan 5, 2012
I have some chickens I'd like to breed toward their SoP. Nearly all stock I have seen have comb issues. On males and females. Namely way to large or to many points. I have the latter issue with mine. I need to breed for less points. Is it really as simple as selecting the offspring with the correct, or at least less, comb points? But if both the hens and cocks have to may points, is it even possible to breed some out? Do I have no choice than to look for new males with better combs?
Yes you can. It’s pretty common to have too many comb points. It’s only a half point defect so it’s usually not what breeders select for, because there are more serious defects to worry about. Your multiple-pointed comb chickens will probably produce some offspring with less points.
Yes you can. It’s pretty common to have too many comb points. It’s only a half point defect so it’s usually not what breeders select for, because there are more serious defects to worry about. Your multiple-pointed comb chickens will probably produce some offspring with less points.
Thank you
Hatch 100+ if you can support them. You'll surely get a few with the combs you want. The trick is breeding those back so that they have all the OTHER qualities you want as well.

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