breeds from critical/threatened list Light Sussex& anothercolor<-chose


Sussex Monarch
11 Years
Mar 27, 2008
I have a extra pen and thought instead of getting some rare color chicken I would help a critical or threatened breed.
so any input would be helpfull on the breeds I like,hardy is a must...
Edit to say I could proubly do 2 pens hmmm thinking.....

Faverolle-its seams to be more ornamental?????

Lakenvelder-realy like
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I want favorelles. They look beautiful and are supposed to be docile. Unfortunately i didn't get any with my order of assorted.. Next time i will specify some. Good Luck and i'm sure you will love whatever breed you decide on.
Faverolles are an excellent choice and while they are pretty to look at they are very versatile birds. They are dual purpose and the hens are great layers, friendly and gentle. Many heritage breeds are getting more threatened because they fail in some way to fit into the mass production environment we know today. The Faverolle is a bird that fits perfectly in a small fock situation. The only problem that keep them from being more widely used is they are piggies. I like to eat and are excellent foragers and will do great where they can chow down on all the wild and wonderful thing they can find if given the opportunity. They are great winter layers and I my opinion it makes up for the extra food they tend to eat over the more lanky breeds.
I think that's a great idea!

Have you looked through this site yet?

did exactly what you are planning to with Beltsville Small White Turkeys. I had an extra pen so I purchased some eggs from one of the few breeders in Canada and have been promoting the breed for the last few years. There are a number of new flocks now in my area. There are enough new breeders in my area that I feel comfortable selling my breeder flock and starting over with another rare breed that needs attention and doing the same.

My next project is to work with Black Sumatra large fowl.

I'm sure you'll find a great breed to fill your pens

Oh, I also forgot to mention that certain recognized colors of some breeds can be quite rare. There are lots of black rosecombs out there, but white ones are nearly impossible to find.

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I ordered chanteclers for this spring, buff and partridge, and plan on breeding them next year. They are also on the critical list. I ordered them because they have very small combs and wattles and will withstand cold temps here in Canada.
Something people don't realize about that ARBC is that those breeds may be in the millions or billions out side the United States.. those are the AMERICAN rare breeds.. meaning what is rare here in the US.
If preservation is your goal, you may want to look at breeds that are truly American and that are going critical? breeds that can't be found else where and have a history and place here in the US.
Just a thought
Just a thought. If you have a hatchery in your area you might talk to them and see if they would be interested in buying fertile eggs from you. I don't know if your planned number of chickens would interest them or not. As I said, just a thought.

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