Breeds? Genders?

Hi there fellow chicken enthusiasts! I am really new to this business and have been obsessed with reading and watching videos on what possible genders and breeds my bundles of fluff could be. I know that the sexing methods aren't really something that can be trusted and that I should wait for the precious 4-6 week mark to look for comb/waddle redness development, but I was wondering what you guys might think. See who guesses correctly! :D I have 5 chicks in total and have included 4 pics of each.

I got them from my great-uncle's farm where he has many breeds just free-ranging around a huge area so we really have no idea what these little guys could be! I will post some pictures of each of them to the best of my ability.

They vary between 1-2 weeks old.

Yellow Chick/Chick 1:
View attachment 3560977

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Black Chick/Chick 2:
View attachment 3560985View attachment 3560986View attachment 3560987View attachment 3560989

White Chick/Chick 3:
View attachment 3560990View attachment 3560991View attachment 3560992View attachment 3560993

Grey Chick/Chick 4:
View attachment 3560995View attachment 3560996View attachment 3561003View attachment 3561004

Chipmunk Chick/Chick 5:

View attachment 3561006View attachment 3561007View attachment 3561009View attachment 3561010

Let me know what you guys think!


No. 1: Not a clue.
No. 2: Black Australorp, Barred Rock, or Cuckoo Maran. Mostly likely Black Aussie.
Nos. 3 and 4: maybe some sort of Lavender Orpington, or maybe No. 4 is a Blue Star/Sapphire Gem.
No. 5: Most likely Americana, or EE. I know it doesn't have a pea comb, but some of mine don't.

I'm not guessing genders, period. 😂 That is the one thing I don't like about straight run, the constant guessing and second guessing their genders.

But, yeah, I agree with the others, probably all of them are just mutts. 😁
100% they are going to be BYM :D I even spotted some Ayam Cemani's wandering around :O
Ayam Cemanis?! :drool I had one, but she was older when I bought her and she didn't live long. 🥺 She was probably my favorite hen.
Excellent! I will absolutely post their updates along the way :D
Please do!
After much research, I think the closest breeds that these could be are, and I am probably taking some wild guesses here, a lot of Marans. Marans all seem to be the closest chicks I can find so similar to what I have:

1: Wheaten Marans
2: Black Copper Marans
3: Blue Andalusian
4: Cuckoo Marans
5: Creme Legbar

I will post updates in the future of how they're turning out! :D
I'll try and provide weekly updates. When looking around the forum for chicks that are similar to mine (for me to be able to gauge some guesses), I keep seeing posts that show chicks at 1 or 2 weeks to then have no updates and it's really frustrating! So I will update this with weekly updates and the final outcome of my birds. Hopefully, someone else might find this post helpful and have the satisfaction of knowing the outcome!

So here we are at 3 weeks old:

Yellow Chick/Chick 1:



Black Chick/Chick 2:



White Chick/Chick 3:



Grey Chick/Chick 4:



Chipmunk Chick/Chick 5:



So any more insight into Pullets or Roos? Any guesses on breed now their juvenile feathers are coming through a bit more? (They are probably barn yard mixed so any guess is just for fun and to see how close you guys/girls get!)
I'll try and provide weekly updates. When looking around the forum for chicks that are similar to mine (for me to be able to gauge some guesses), I keep seeing posts that show chicks at 1 or 2 weeks to then have no updates and it's really frustrating! So I will update this with weekly updates and the final outcome of my birds. Hopefully, someone else might find this post helpful and have the satisfaction of knowing the outcome!

So here we are at 3 weeks old:

Yellow Chick/Chick 1:
View attachment 3568131
View attachment 3568132
View attachment 3568134

Black Chick/Chick 2:
View attachment 3568137
View attachment 3568139
View attachment 3568138

White Chick/Chick 3:
View attachment 3568143
View attachment 3568141
View attachment 3568142

Grey Chick/Chick 4:
View attachment 3568151
View attachment 3568152
View attachment 3568153

Chipmunk Chick/Chick 5:
View attachment 3568156
View attachment 3568157
View attachment 3568158

So any more insight into Pullets or Roos? Any guesses on breed now their juvenile feathers are coming through a bit more? (They are probably barn yard mixed so any guess is just for fun and to see how close you guys/girls get!)
Hesitant to give guesses on gender, but if you have boys it might be 1 and 2. Here's my updated thoughts on breeds:

No. 1: Possibly an RIR. Looks very similar to mine at that age.
No. 2: I'm betting it's a Black Australorp.
No. 3: Not really sure
No. 4: I'm still betting on a Sapphire Gem. (Had one a few years ago, once again, looked exactly like yours.)
No. 5: Americana.
After much research, I think the closest breeds that these could be are, and I am probably taking some wild guesses here, a lot of Marans. Marans all seem to be the closest chicks I can find so similar to what I have:

1: Wheaten Marans
2: Black Copper Marans
3: Blue Andalusian
4: Cuckoo Marans
5: Creme Legbar

I will post updates in the future of how they're turning out! :D
I don't know the different Marans very well, but I definitely don't think No. 4 is a cuckoo. They are black and white as babies and adults. Not a whole lot of experience with legbars, but they usually have poofs on their heads and yours doesn't appear to be getting the right color of feathers in. But again, I don't have a ton of experience, so I'm totally willing to be proved wrong.
Hesitant to give guesses on gender, but if you have boys it might be 1 and 2. Here's my updated thoughts on breeds:

No. 1: Possibly an RIR. Looks very similar to mine at that age.
No. 2: I'm betting it's a Black Australorp.
No. 3: Not really sure
No. 4: I'm still betting on a Sapphire Gem. (Had one a few years ago, once again, looked exactly like yours.)
No. 5: Americana.
1 - I'm like 90% thinking this is gonna be a Roo, it's so confident and proud, but non aggressive.
2 - This one is very late feathering, it was only a few days behind chick 1 but the size difference is crazy.
3 - This might be another Roo I think, it stands really tall, it's leggy and has a comb coming through really fast in the last couple of days.
4 - I really hope this one is female, it's an absolute sweetie that loves getting out of the brooder and following me around.
5 - Another sweetie, I'm thinking this is a pullet, it's so small and gentle compared to some of the other chicks.

I hope you are right about 4 being a Sapphire Gem, that's a gorgeous looking bird! :O
I don't know the different Marans very well, but I definitely don't think No. 4 is a cuckoo. They are black and white as babies and adults. Not a whole lot of experience with legbars, but they usually have poofs on their heads and yours doesn't appear to be getting the right color of feathers in. But again, I don't have a ton of experience, so I'm totally willing to be proved wrong.
Yeah, the reason I thought Marans is because it's got a single line of feathers down it's legs!

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