Breeds that can fend off predators?


Mar 16, 2016
Hill Country Texas
I had a small flock of chickens a few years ago, and never had any problems with our dogs or with predators. Now, though, I have larger dogs and our neighborhood has recently had an increase in skunks/possums/etc. While I would obviously firmly train our dogs to avoid the chickens, install a secure coop to keep them in overnight, and keep an eye on them during the day, it would still be nice to have chickens that could defend themselves a bit if a possum wandered by or if the dogs' instincts kicked in. Are there any breeds that can defend themselves well and would still be friendly to humans and not overly aggressive?
Chickens are pretty much at the bottom of the food chain. There is no one breed that will fight off attackers better than others. Sometimes a rooster will try to fight for his girls but if a dog or possum or whichever predator is determined, they will be no match.
Okay, I suppose I'll need to just keep an even closer eye on them then. Are there any that are at least more likely to be wary of predators? I've heard that ones like Orpingtons will just lie there if a predator comes, but ones like Black Stars are more alert.

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