

Aug 3, 2015
I live on a lake and we get quite a breeze! Just put my 6 week old chickens in the coop and when I went out there it was quite windy near them. Is this a problem? We are in Florida so ventilation is very important but I don't want them to get too chilly.
I would block the wind on the windy side. You want ventilation, but not wind blowing on them. depending on temperature of course, windy and 90? fine. Windy 30? no so good. I would keep the other sides open for ventilation. You may have to block 2 sides, say the west and north, keep the south and east sides open.
To block the wind, I staple some clear plastic on the outside of the coop from where the wind blows. It blocks the wind and allows light to come through.

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