Bresse Chickens

Did anyone else out there have their ABs suffer through the polar vortex? I'm in central Indiana, and the lowest temps I saw outside were -16 and in the barn it got down to -7. My barn is quite dry. I have the pens situated where they don't get any drafts, I sealed off all the doors to the outside pens, but my poor roos still didn't fare too well. They had these wonderful huge combs and wattles, which unfortunately meant they also got quite a bit of frostbite. Most of my roos of other breeds with single combs did too, so it wasn't just the ABs. I didn't lose any birds, and they are all in recovery mode now, but their combs will definitely suffer for it. No issues with any of my hens/pullets of any of my breeds.

On a brighter note, my AB pullet that had just started laying kept on right through the cold. I even had a second pullet that started laying the day after the deep freeze. Only my Wyandotte hen is even close to keeping up with them. All the other hens pretty much shut down and are just starting to lay again.

I'd like to hear how others birds came through the cold, and if they did well, what was done to protect them?
Did anyone else out there have their ABs suffer through the polar vortex? I'm in central Indiana, and the lowest temps I saw outside were -16 and in the barn it got down to -7. My barn is quite dry. I have the pens situated where they don't get any drafts, I sealed off all the doors to the outside pens, but my poor roos still didn't fare too well. They had these wonderful huge combs and wattles, which unfortunately meant they also got quite a bit of frostbite. Most of my roos of other breeds with single combs did too, so it wasn't just the ABs. I didn't lose any birds, and they are all in recovery mode now, but their combs will definitely suffer for it. No issues with any of my hens/pullets of any of my breeds.

On a brighter note, my AB pullet that had just started laying kept on right through the cold. I even had a second pullet that started laying the day after the deep freeze. Only my Wyandotte hen is even close to keeping up with them. All the other hens pretty much shut down and are just starting to lay again.

I'd like to hear how others birds came through the cold, and if they did well, what was done to protect them?
I had a bit of frostbite in some of my roos, but my AB roos definitely got the worst end of it. All of their comb tips are going to be gone, and most likely even further down. I feel so sorry for them.
My 3 awesome pullets are laying machines...some really good size eggs as well :D

I need more!!! To hatch Im desperate for a rooster come early Spring... :D

Oh its been down to -30's all my birds are getting fodder and warm special treats on top of their regular food and they are on lights...
My 3 awesome pullets are laying machines...some really good size eggs as well

I need more!!! To hatch Im desperate for a rooster come early Spring...

Oh its been down to -30's all my birds are getting fodder and warm special treats on top of their regular food and they are on lights...


I'm up to three pullets laying now. They are the most consistent winter layers I've got. Even beating out my Wyandotte at the moment.
Mine are great layers too! They are also very fertile and hatch easily even when shipped.
I recently hatched out some white bresse eggs I got from ebay and several of them have feathers on their legs has anyone else seen this with bresse or did I get taken.
Post Pictures!

Likely mixed a feathered leg breed--Make sure to post a picture of the legs.
Post Pictures!

Likely mixed a feathered leg breed--Make sure to post a picture of the legs.
I agree. I've never seen a description of Bresse that mentions feathered legs. What color are their legs? Mine are a blueish slate color. It gets more pronounced as they get older.

You may want to contact the ebay seller. If it was just a mix-up, a good seller will work with you.
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I recently hatched out some white bresse eggs I got from ebay and several of them have feathers on their legs has anyone else seen this with bresse or did I get taken.

I had one chick that popped out with feathers on his legs. Raised him and ate him as a cull. It is possible I had a rooster jump the fence or there is a weird gene in the gff birds. Either way don't breed that one.
I had one chick that popped out with feathers on his legs. Raised him and ate him as a cull. It is possible I had a rooster jump the fence or there is a weird gene in the gff birds. Either way don't breed that one.

Ive had no feathered legs from your babies! ;)

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