Bresse Chickens

We processed 27 birds and most of them were Pita Pinta mixes. We did mark the 2 Bresse and 2 of the Pita Pintas for a taste comparison. Each family has 1 of each and we plan on cooking the 2 at the same time/same manner. How do you recommend that we cook them? My DH is voting for the pressure cooker but I can only fit 1 at a time.
The age of your Cockerels is on the edge of fryer and moving into Roasting.

Full Article here:
My beautiful bresse ( pet ) chickens






Nearly six weeks old and even I can tell I have too hens and too roos, I love these birds
Very feisty and fun breed and oh how beautiful, tasty too I've heard?!
My black bresse chicks at a little over 2 weeks old. I'm still thinking 1 boy 2 girls

The one on the left is obviously a pullet and center is a cockerel. The one on the right could go either way. I am not as confident as you are that it is a pullet. Please post new photos in a week or two so we can see the results. Good luck with your pretty new chicks!
How old are they? I've only kept them to about a year old - if they go broody at 2 years+ I would be thrilled!
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