Bresse Chickens

So is Greenfire Farms the only people to import these birds into America? I would love to get some of these birds, however, there is not a spare $200 for me to spend right now. I drool everytime I look at their website. Such wonderful birds! You can tell they are worth what they ask, but it is just out of my range to spend right now.
I didn't mean to suggest they are not worth what they are asking! The red tape and headaches alone would be worth that! I greatly respect anyone who spends that much time and effort to acquire something so rare and then decides to share it. I would rather buy from Greenfire simply to support them in importing new breeds, but I am just not able too.

I might wait a few years to see if their prices lower as they build up their own stock and then buy from them. They do have a wonderful site!
I've watched film and read plenty about the finishing process for these birds and made the decision not to finish them all in the french way. I do however plan to caponize the cockerels and finish 12-20 of the birds this year as close to the french style as possible. I'm currently looking for more pasture as the restaurants I'm in contact with want a consistent supply and I only have a couple acres of land at this time. I'm investigating other options including a structure of contract growers who have local pasture. However I'm only going to sell the birds in 200 mile radius as I'm a huge believer in local food. I also will be pasturing Basque hens next spring as an experiment and am talking to restaurants about this option also. I'm excited about the possibilities that these birds bring to the table. However, time is of the essence as I'm convinced that in the near future these chickens could be as popular as the Poulet Rouge Fermier breed imported by Ashley Farms here in NC that are now a staple in area restaurants.
Hey is your Bresse project going....have you been able to eat any yet finished they way you wanted to finish them. I would love to know how they tasted. I was thinking of doing some in the spring of 2013 and would love anything that you would share. my email is [email protected] if you would like to share.
Haven't had any for dinner yet! Can't be eating my breeding stock. I do plan to have some late winter if I can get a fall hatch. I'll let folks know as soon as I've been able to sample the birds.
Haven't had any for dinner yet! Can't be eating my breeding stock. I do plan to have some late winter if I can get a fall hatch. I'll let folks know as soon as I've been able to sample the birds.
If you want to taste you birds like the french taste, you have to feed the some way.
They very diferent breed,not like my other breeds,lol.
Well my assumption is the same. However I believe that we can experiment w/ this breed to see if it will make a better restaurant quality broiler. The Label Rouge chickens were originally imported for the same reason. Fact of the matter is that I don't think most sustainable farmers want to cage 500 birds and feed them dairy and corn for a month. The cost effectiveness of that is questionable particularly for American palates.

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