Bresse Crossed wit Cuckoo Lemon Orpington...........

I threw one of my Lemon Orpington in with two Bresse males and the male went nuts. I had to take one out, the dominant male was constantly hitting the female with leg shuffles. It seems like they were getting even for how she treated them when they were chicks.

I need to monitor their behavior, they seem to be settling down with the female in submission, but every so often the male will shuffle kick and attack her.
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Why is that cockerel in a tube?
Why is that cockerel in a tube?
At first there were two males in the breeding cage and then I put in a female and they went nuts. I felt sorry for the female, so I took one male with crooked toes out. That's the one in the tube, its a temporary holding pen.

Then latter on I put another female in the breeding cage, so now there are two females and one male. I found an egg on the ground a little while ago, so I made a nest bucket for them.

I think I have to add another piece of wood on top the lip part. The plastic egg and wood shavings were scratched out. The bucket is screwed onto two pieces of 2 x 4 and wedged in, so it can't roll side to side.
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By temporary you mean an hour or so until you get him setup elsewhere, right?
Right, he went back in the main coop. I open the door every morning. My yard is fenced in, so they play outside all day and go back in at night.

I have been getting around 5 eggs a day with 7 hens.

I am also working on another coop with wire flooring. I built it to finish or fatten my Bresse before processing.

I bought a small feather plucker from Hatch Time. It works for what I have going on, but I should have bought the Kitchener Chicken Plucker from Amazon instead. They were priced the same, but Amazon has free shipping and the motor on the Kitchener is 2 times bigger. However, the advantage of the Hatch Time plucker is it's light weight and water proof design.

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Two hens laying in a 5 gallon bucket. I checked the egg yolk today and didn't look fertile. I'll check it daily, I haven't seen the rooster successfully jumping on them, but at least he established his dominance.

I finally finished a section of my coop and I put my one month old Bresse chicks in to work the kinks out, and found out that they could squeeze through 2 inches. Lol, I put a plastic shelf to keep them in, until they get bigger. At least I don't have to keep changing the wood shavings with the wire floor.

My sliding no hinge wood door and pvc roof idea worked out as planned. Looks like I will be smoking some Barbeziuex Roosters in a few months. They say this breed taste best roasted.


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Finally, the rooster figured out how to do it.....................I will collect the eggs for the incubator 3 days from to day 2/1/21.
Crooked Toe fell in my small 4 x 8 koi pond early in the morning. Once they fall in they can't get out, its about 3 feet deep. Its a good thing, chickens float like a duck. He was shivering and he couldn't stand up, so I wrapped him with a towel and dried him off a little before putting him in my chick brooder with the heat lamp. I think he is going to make it, he started walking around.

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