Bresse vs. Silver Grey Dorking Taste test?


13 Years
Jul 24, 2010
Have anyone tried the taste test between Bresse vs. Silver Grey Dorking? Which breed has better flavor?
It is my understanding the Breese has to be caponized & fed a special diet of milk & mash before butchering & housed in small pens after free ranged in pastors to get its taste. It is not worth it to me
It is my understanding the Breese has to be caponized & fed a special diet of milk & mash before butchering & housed in small pens after free ranged in pastors to get its taste. It is not worth it to me

I feel the same as you about raise Bresse per french method. I tried Silver Grey Dorking a few times and they are the best so far. It is much better flavor than marans, rir, buckeye, orpington, americana, australorp, delaware, cream legbar, sussex, barred rock, brahmas, wyandottes, Indian Game, and many other breeds.
Hopefully, I will have a chance to try out the bresse, sulmtaler, malines, ayam, and many other breeds in the future.
I hatched some Sulmtaler last summer but haven't butchered any yet. Strange but they were all roosters. They are really nice birds. Big & quiet & very tame. I want to get some Dorkings & see which bird is nicer in niceness to keep around my grandkids. The winner will be "the best tasting" :-D I hatched Buff Cornish last summer. The hens are nice but the roosters are tall & quit fiesty. Too much so, to have around kids. Two lost their heads 3 days ago. Not good!!!
I wish you live closer to me so I can trade or buy 2 of the Sulmtaler roosters
If you are plan to buy dorking, go with calm and friendly bloodline. I have red, color, silver dorking from Sand Hill Preservation. Unfortunately, they are too flighty and skittish so end up butch them last summer. However, I still have 1 color dorking left. She is about 2 years old and my plan to cross her to more friendly rooster breed for some hatching eggs.
What is your zip code. I just hatched 6 chicks from the same breeder. I will see how much it will cost to send you a roo this fall

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