Bring her in?


12 Years
Jan 21, 2008
Just spent some time with the 6 hens and 1 roo
1 hen has been broody for so long and still is, she is on 5 eggs today.
Some time ago she hatched 2 that dissapeared, I brought her eggs in, and those all went wrong. She is still broody since then.
She didn't even move when I came in today like she normally does.
But the treats got the better of her and she came out, three of the other hens chased her off the food constantly.
She acts so submissive to them but she was also determined to get some treat. I felt so bad for her.
Should I bring her in with her eggs?
She would have to live indoors in a large dog kennel.
If I do how long till I can put her back out with them?
I have other chicks coming next month I needed the room in house for grrrrr
She isn't missing any feathers, should I wait till it's more serious? like missing feathers?
Wonder why they're so nasty to her now.

Edit; the birds doing the pecking are moulting is that like chicken pms? lol
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Is there a way you can separate her within the coop? I think thats what most folk do with a broody - leave them with the flock but separated by wire or something.
I wish I could but it's too small an area....what if I put her in the kennel inside the coop? I would still have to figure out feed and water though...don't have extra feeder etc.
At least I could put stuff on top of kennel that's on floor now. Saves space.
You can put her in the kennel inside the coop. Being that she is one hen she won't need big feeders. When I had one that I had to separate I used a large tuna fish can for a feeder-make sure there are no sharp edges though. I had a small waterer but, you could use a dish and put small stones or marbles in it so she can't drown in it.
Thanks! that's what I'll try! Maybe I'll steal some of the dogs steel dishes...that would help. Big chickens still drown themselves?? sheesh I knew to put rocks etc in chicks water - glad you told me!
so then if she hatches leave them in kennel till when?
thanks again Caroline
I have don't know if you have to worry about the big chickens or not. Mine all have regular waterers. But I have seen a lot of posts saying to put the stones or marbles in so if it were me I would do it just to be safe.

As for how long, I don't know. I guess it depends on whether or not any hatch. Where you had the other chicks disappear I guess I would keep them in somewhere safe. A dog carrier may not be big enough then. It would depend on the carrier's size and the number of chicks I guess. Cross that bridge when it comes with another post.
You can bring her in if you want and she will be a ferocious mom in protecting her chicks... unless of course she's one of those who will sit on eggs but reject her chicks. If you do put the kennel in the coop, she will have to be let out once a day or so to defecate. They won't do it on the nest.
I have lots of time tomorrow to go and see the situation again. If she's missing feathers or hurt in any way in she goes in the kennel, it's very big our yellow lab can turn around in it.
Hope it will fit in coop!
Since there is enough room will she step away to potty in the open space? or do they prefer out?
I can cosy it up for her with fresh straw etc. I feel so bad for her what jerks eh?!
She's doing her job. She hatched 2 awhile back and they ran out from under her. Thats when it all went bad. should have brought her in then.
Tomorrow will be the decision maker.
But with enough room she will potty inside kennel?
p.s. I snuck some treats in close to her batch of eggs
the others didn't see me.
Aww how sweet!

Its sad that she wasn't able to protect the last chicks she hatched.

My only thing about bringing her in, would be adding her back to the flock at a later date - chances are they'd REALLY pick on her at that point.

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