Bring your "Howdy's" here!

I always forget, then feel bad and am waving out the window like a nut case!! They drive by and wave, and I look(double take)I then turn and look behind me and say awwww man then proceed to wave out the window!! Such a nerd!! Like they are looking in the rear view mirror or something!! I need to practice more.
Hi all!! One of broodys just hatched a little bit of a chick. A black silkie! It is so freaking cute. I'm so excited! Shelley, where are you, you're a momma! 4 more eggs to go!
ga*chick* :

Hi Lanissa!
You and I have been in several threads together, haven't we?

Online, I'm not much of a poster/talker either. But on the phone or in person....I'll talk your ears off!

You feel free to post as much as you like here...everyone is "cool" here!

This is definately
Both of the quotes... lol​

Think we all feel that way at some point or another. But I hope you feel welcomed here!
That cake looks fabulous!! and yummy..

Well, went to Home depot and got the wood I need for making a Silkie/Bantam coop. Might split it down the middle to make the other side a Grow-out coop.

I am ready to start on it, but I lack some info and carpenting skills and my dad decided to take my son swimming today.

Oh well, guess I will have to wait a whole week or so since I work everyday like crazy!
heloooowww! i am out to feed the turkeys and the chickens. My daughter has lamb showmanship practice soon too. I have to face the snotty little 4H teen leader and try to be an adult when he comes up with some rude and snide remarks! uggghhh! sometimes i just wanna smack him. heeeheee.

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