Bringing chickens indoors during heat wave

...also a myth that DE will kill them.
Controversial true, but I think it's worth keeping in the loop if it even helps a bit. Interesting article re/ mites, mentions DE and what it does seem to do. (Dept of Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Mngmnt, Colorado State Univ.)
Not a link.... copy and paste did not work.
Too bad, I'd like to read it.
Though I copied it right from the page you're right it didn't work as a click through for me either. This Colorado State Information Insects Mites...Arthropods of Colorado-Agricultural Biology-Colorado State...scroll down to ACARIS.
"A layer of diatomaceous earth should be able to provide a physical barrier for mites and also may kill mites by disrupting the water-proof surface covering of the mite."

If you've got mites in your house, or on your chickens and/or in your coop,
don't screw around with DE get some permethrin dust and/or spray.
That's it.

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