Brinsea Incubator?


13 Years
Dec 21, 2009
Im looking for a Brinsea Octagon 250 Incubator. Has anyone ever used one of these for Ratite eggs? I dont think Brinsea still makes them, but I have read many good reviews but also many negative.
Love my Brinsea, but it's only the Octagon ECO 20. It's the only one I've ever had, but it worked great in the classrooms, and here at home. The temp and humidity are steady and it recovers quickly after the lid has been removed for a few minutes.

Ratites? Just looked them up- COOL. Where in the world do you get those?
lol well you are on a Ratite message board. Ratites are a family of birds including Ostrich, Emu, Rhea, Cassowary, and Kiwi. Thanks for you info on the incubator. And I have read several reviews about the faulty wiring...weird. What is faulty about it?

Ahhh I see that....
I'm obviously new to this, and have just graduated to ducks. However, it's not above me to attempt to stuff an emu egg in that eco 20.

I'm curious about the faulty wiring too.

Thanks for humoring me.
lol well you are on a Ratite message board. Ratites are a family of birds including Ostrich, Emu, Rhea, Cassowary, and Kiwi. Thanks for you info on the incubator. And I have read several reviews about the faulty wiring...weird. What is faulty about it?

some of mine had wires that have been stripped back too long leaving long ends which end up making contact with each other

also exposed wires (which are a fire hazard and a shock hazard) after seeing the exposed wires my husband had a fit that their quality control was so bad.

not every unit has wiring issues.. but I had bought a lot of Brinseas.. and with buying more.. I ended up with more lemons

some of the "good' incubators also had issues with the thermostats acting up.. when your temp starts out staying at 99.5 for days.. then starts rising past 120 with the only means to stop it being to unplug the unit.. well.. unless your goal is baked eggs you don't have a very reliable incubator.
can you get pet kiwi birds?

Unfortunately not. They are endangered and illegal for the pet trade. The other bad thing about them is their diet which is strictly worms and underground insects. They forage in soft soil only at night to find food. I think only 2 or 3 zoos in the US even have any the last I checked. I always wanted some myself.

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