Brinsea Spot Check Thermometer

Is this what you mean? I don't know what they are......

Disregard my other post (
) - that is what you're looking for.
I have to agree with tracecom. I have the Spot Check and I am using it in my Octagon Advance. The temperature does not fluctuate whole degrees at a time. I might see a .1 or .2 fluctuation but never a whole degree. I would be concerned that it is your incubator that is not holding temperatures well.
You're probably right about the bator not holding temp steady, but it might be a design problem with the bator having a thermostat that is set with wide tolerances rather than a sign it's about to break down. I don't actually know, but I'm assuming the more expensive bators might go on/off if the temp varies by a tenth of a degree and the cheap ones might not be as sensitive, maybe only going on/off if the temp varies by a whole degree, maybe more.

Anyway, if the air temp fluctuates up and down quickly, not slowly, then there's every chance the internal egg temp is staying fairly steady. The wiggler will show if that's what's happening or not. For $2, it's much cheaper than just assuming the bator's rubbish and buying a new one. I'd love to put a wiggler and a SpotCheck in my bator. When I open my bator, the temp drops right down to 95 straight away, and comes back up again within a minute of closing the door. I bet the eggs don't even register it!

Out of interest, GotGame and Beesong, what bators are you using?
I have an old style wooden one, it is made from cedar, it is 24" x 24" x 20" tall, the sides and top are almost two inches thick. When I bought it it had been gutted, I dont know what the setup was like except for the fact that it had the wafer setup, from the screw setup and the hole in the middle. I put a heating coil, the wafer and switch in it, but it is fluctuating 5+ degrees. I thought it was working great, as it would be 10-15 minutes between the heat kicking on, and it would be on for no more than 3-4 seconds....I am going to try to add another fan to it. I put a fan crom a hova-bator in it.
The one I'm using that I'm having problems with is the Hovabator 1602. I got it just for chick-warming because my "real" bator is a Brinsea Advance EX -- it's just too small to hold all those peeps, and I wanted to be able to move them out as they dried. But then I found myself with a bunch of guinea eggs that simply had to be hatched, and I put them in the Hova. Kind of wishing I hadn't now, 'cuz it's so difficult to adjust. I know I'm spoiled by the Brinsea, but I used to do this a lot years ago when there were only wafer systems, so it isn't like I don't know how to adjust one. It just ..... isn't.

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