Brinsea Turner


9 Years
Mar 23, 2014
This isn't exactly an incubating question, but I didn't find a better place for it. I have a Brinsea Eco 20 incubator. I purchased it last year, and ended up with more eggs than I could fit in my Rcom this spring. So I bought the automatic turner for the Brinsea. It was delivered today and as near as I can tell it doesn't work. I noticed that it feels extremely cheap upon removing it from the box, but I plugged it in and I can hear and feel the motor running. However, it has not turned even once over the last 5 hours. I even removed the incubator and just left the turner plugged in, and it still has not moved at all. Am I missing something? Is there something else I need to do with it? There is nothing else in the instructions. Thanks.
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The turner moves very slowly. Have you watched it for a longer period of time? Sometimes I think mine has not turned but just leaving it 10 mins can show that it has. Was the incubator set on the cradle right? Sometimes if it is not sat correctly it might not turn. Are all the gears correct and the arm connected right? Here is a pic of how it should look

If you still can't get it working correctly I would give Brinsea a call straight away.
Good luck.
Thanks for the response. Oddly, shortly after I posted this it started working. I had done some research and found that it turned slowly. However, I went up there about 8 or more times in 5 hours and it was always in the same position. Even after removing the incubator, I went up about 20-30 minutes later and it was in the same position. At one point during the original 5 hours I reset the incubator on it to make sure it was seated correctly. I did wonder if there was some problem with the way the gears were arranged because they seemed strange to me, almost like they were upside down. However, I THINK, though I don't remember for sure, that they were the same as the picture. Anyway, I can't explain why it started working, but luckily I bought it from Amazon, which has a good return and exchange policy in case it stops again.

Thanks for the picture. If I start having problems with it again, I will compare it to that.

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