Broken egg in nest box almost every day

Oops - what he says is that the crinkly egg was INSIDE the broken egg, which had a leathery shell. So she technically laid two eggs. I misunderstood that. Still bizarre.
My six BRs, and two Buffs have been laying for a month. The six Reds have been laying for about two weeks, and my one Leghorn has been laying for just under a week. In all this time I have had two - just two! - eggs come out of the nests that were cracked when I found them. Only one was what I would consider a soft-shell. It had a bit of debris (poop) on it, and when I put it under the faucet to rinse it off I may have squeezed it a bit hard - but no harder than any other - and it just crumbled in my hand. It was on the very small side, so I suspect it was a first egg from one of the Reds. That was the only time I've had an egg do that. Oh, I've put some oyster shells out, but the ladies don't really seem to care for it.

I think between all the humans in the house we all have dropped at least one egg each so far! Ah well, it happens!

By the way, if you look closely at this photo you can see what almost looks like a crack in the white egg running vertically at about the 6-o'clock position. That was my Leghorn's first egg the other day. It was actually pretty solid, but when I saw it I thought it was cracked. Interesting.

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Actually finding cracked eggs is a sign they aren't getting enough calcium--the egg doesn't support the weight of the hen or they will break it getting in and out. Also you may find an egg or two that has cracks in the shell--also a sign of too little calcium. When we get eggs like that we either toss them back to the birds or use them in baking. I have to be careful because the brand of layer food I use does not contain extra calcium so they get oyster shell on the side. If things get too bad I mix it in with the feed but prefer to keep it away from my rooster

ETA: Every once in a while you get a hen that doesn't utilize calcium too well and chronically lays soft-shelled eggs. If it is a problem and you can identify her, you can cull her. Some people don't like this kind of thing around because they think it promotes egg eating. I'm not convinced that it does, however.
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Well, I do think it is possible for one hen to have laid those eggs. As you stated in your first post that they are all just beginning to lay, this may turn out to be a hens egg production being worked out. I would offer the oyster shell, however you choose, make the nest boxes "break proof" and see how it goes for a month or two. Chances are it will be fine, but if it continues to happen after that, you can decide how to handle it then.
In my case both of the cracked eggs found in the nest were dented. I am convinced both had been stepped on, and were not the result of a weak shell.

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