Broken leg cochin


In the Brooder
Jul 12, 2022
My bantam hen went missing yesterday evening and i found her today with a broken leg. I brough her in and gave her food and water. It's like she cant move her leg at all and all her weight is on the right one while the left just drags/hangs there. I dont see any other injuries or blood. What can i do to help!?
Probably not until tomorrow. I have yet to find a vet near me that treats chickens. But it's almost as if it's dislocated? She cant even sit up without using her wing
If the fracture is complete, it won't heal without surgery. And if broken, it is Very painful to bear any weight/pressure at all. Make a temporary sling to get weight off her legs by cutting out leg holes in an old towel or t-shirt, then take photos of the leg from underneath the sling. Then post photos here for the medical experts to assess.

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