Broken Neck Or Shock?


9 Years
Aug 5, 2013
The dog got one of the chickens and had his way with her for a little while before we caught him. :( He pulled out a bunch of feathers but the skin wasn't broken at all. When I got to her she was alive and breathing but flat on her back. I pet her and talked to her but she didn't move. I picked her up and she didn't/wouldn't/couldn't hold her head up. It just flopped around. I have her in a box in the garage with some towels and a heat lamp. She did move her feet while I was carrying her. It's been about an hour and a half and she looks the same. Wouldn't she die if her neck was broken? Or is it possible for her neck to be broken without her spinal cord being severed?

I am planning on waiting overnight to see if she improves at all. Am I right in thinking that if it's shock she'll be better in the morning? I don't want to kill her if she's going to have a full recovery. But I don't want to draw out her suffering either. She's a two year old Easter Egger, part of my first flock of four. I just processed my first chicken, a RIR from the same group, four weeks ago. We got three chicks right before Easter, but I was gonna keep the EE because she's such a goofy chicken. The dog in question is a little terrier mutt. He has "played" with her before but never to this extent. I'm totally bummed.

Anyone have any insight or advice?
She's alive!!! I'm pretty shocked. She is sitting up in the box, head held up straight, eyes open, looking normal. She hadn't gotten out from under the towel but she was holding her head up when I checked on her this morning. She had a giant poo and a soft shelled egg under her. She's never laid an egg with a soft shell before. She drank some water and is eating some scrambled egg with kelp and sea salt right now. But she doesn't have any desire to get out of the box yet, which is odd for her. I'm sure she's not out of the woods yet. I'll keep her in the garage at least for the rest of today. I don't want her sisters picking on her or the dog getting her again. I have some Save-a-Chick I'll mix in with her water. Anything else I should do for her?
She was probably frozen with shock.
Glad she is coming around for you.
Sav a chick would be great!

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