Broken wing? What can I do?


Jul 2, 2017
i think my dog broke my chickens wing. I'm posting a pic. What can I do for her?


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She needs to be someplace quiet first of all, maybe a dog crate or cage or pen or somewhere where she can be comfortable and have some privacy and protection, but still be able to hear and see her chicken friends. She's probably in some shock. Put her in the crate maybe with some warm towels, or someplace where she can stay warm, but hopefully still be able to see and hear her friends, and leave her alone for a bit.. A good bit. In the morning, see how she is. Maybe she will eat and if so, you can crush up a baby aspirin and offer it in a treat, or stir the aspirin into applesauce or yogurt and then mix that into crumbles. She can have a baby aspirin three times a day and it will help with pain and inflammation. Of course, if you have access to a vet that can help you, that is always best. Chickens can be remarkably resilient, but she will need some TLC for a while. Don't let her run with the flock until she is acting much better. The wing might not be broken, but let her rest for a day or two before you start trying to see if it is broken. If it is, it is. It should heal over time. She just won't be able to fly and she might have to be in confinement for a while. .
Looks like a broken wing to me.. I've read something before about tieing the wing up with gauze against the chickens body to let it heal. There are youtube videos on casting up a broken wing with gauze.
sorry to hear, Get some vet wrap and put the wing in its proper position then wrap it around her body. Hope she feels better. @chicknmania That sounds like a lot of aspirin for a little. I have given one 81 mg. once a day before to a full grown roo
It is not a lot of aspirin. That is the amount that was recommended to use by poultry expert Peter Brown. He should know. I've done it for years as needed and it has never harmed any of our birds. As far as taping the wing in place, fine, after she's had a chance to settle down. you should not do anything to cause the bird any more pain and stress until she has a chance to settle a bit. She's no dog. Chickens in most cases do not understand that you are trying to help them.

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