Brooder Cam

I was laying there…move over…I take nap too…get off me…snuggle…zzzzzzz……FOOD!...ME TOO!...that’s my spot…let’s all eat out of the same hole in the feeder…zzzzzz…plop He pushed me! Shhhh human doesn’t know I’m a rooster…move over you’re sleeping in my spot…I don’t feel too good. Gobble food to fast, I’ll lay in the shade and zzzzzz…human must wear glasses thermometer has REALLY big numbers. The one at the hatchery was digital….zzzzzzzzzzzzzz….WATER!...THERE’S WATER OVER HERE!...gurgle..gurgle…stop splashing water on me...zzzzzzzzzzz...snack TIME! …

…how long are we going to keep up this act? Didn’t you see it? Right up there…don’t look…camera. We’ll wait until tonight when the human thinks we’re roosting, then we’re busting out of this joint…we’ll leave a few feathers behind so the neighbor’s cat gets the blame. Bahamas West Indies here we come…
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We’ll wait until tonight when the human thinks we’re roosting, then we’re busting out of this joint…we’ll leave a few feathers behind so the neighbor’s cat gets the blame. Bahamas West Indies here we come…

Nope... won't work. That camera sees in complete darkness. Funny read though!
That is awesome. I have a webcam that I have video streaming on and I recently purchased an IP cam but I havent dug into getting it on the web. I can view it at home on my network but cannot log onto it from anywhere else. We get our first chicks tomorrow and are very excited. Thanks for sharing.
Watching your little furry peeps now. I even caught a hand in there- assuming it was yours!

Love the cam! Now I want one for when my peeps arrive. But then I won't get anything done while I am at work.
Watching your little furry peeps now. I even caught a hand in there- assuming it was yours!

Love the cam! Now I want one for when my peeps arrive. But then I won't get anything done while I am at work.

Yeah, I just got home from work and checked in on them... one of them has a case of pasty butt so I'm keeping an eye on her. Funny that you caught me! That's great!

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