Brooder light bulbs


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 22, 2014
I wanted to share what I have found as far as brooder lights go, I started with a 250watt brooder light, and being they were in a rubber maid tub it was getting pretty, I tried a red flood light temp was around 82, thought they might want it warmer since they like to stay under the light, there not a brooder light less then the 250 watt, so I went to a pet store and looked at the reptile infrared lights, and got a 100 watt bulb, tried it and its working better keeps it about 90 maybe little less pending how hot or cool my house it, they did have a think 125 or 150 watt reptile light there is also a 50 and 75 watt light.

So if you think the 250 watt brooder light is too hot look at the reptile light bulbs they are little more think it about 15 bucks for the 100 watt bulb but its working better, they are scattered around rather then being huddled in one spot or running away from the light.

We also got a small bird perch to put in the brooder box and they love it will go check on them and they will all be roosted on the perch.
I always figured people with those huge lights were brooding in an ice cave at the north pole. I use a 45 watt bulb shining straight down about 6" off the brooder floor.
Our Brooding lamp is a 150 watt, clear. I couldn't tell you what brand it is as I threw away the box, but I can look next time I'm at the feed store.
I have thought about a clear bulb but they are in a bedroom and the person has to sleep why I opted for a red bulb its not as bright, but as fast as they are growing won't be long and won't need the light.

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