Brooder Questions


12 Years
Dec 13, 2007
I am going to have my brooder out side in one of the Chicken Runs.Which is partly covered.And the cage(Now Brooder) is big and covered.Do i need to have 2 Heat lamps for it?And since it is Out side,does the Temp need to be higher?Thanks!
I would not put new chicks outside even with a heat lamp. The least bit of draft can cause them to become very ill and even result in death. I feel very strongly that if you put new chicks out in an open air improperly secured brooder you will have very sick chicks in a very short time.

If you do plan to put them outside and not in your warm house they need to be in an enclosed area where the temp can be regulated at 95 degrees for the first week, 90 the second and decreasing by 5 degrees each week. You need to be very sure it is draft free from all sides. In about 8 to 12 weeks they will be nearly fully feathered and will be able to regulate their body temp better and keep themselves warm.

You will be able over that time to slowly wean them from the heat once you get them down to day temps of 70 degrees. In cooler night temps you will have to give them heat until they are completely feathered out.

Also be very sure the brooder is predator proof. There are many things that go bump in the night that would love to have a chick snack and won't stop until there are no chicks left to snack on.
Thank you for everyones Concern but I do care alot about the new chicks coming in.Ok here is a Overveiw of my coop and brooder.There is a Main Chicken Coop.Partly Covered and walled on one side.It has an open Door and it lets plenty of light in but keeps the wind out.I was planning on putting the brooder inside there.Is this a Good Idea?

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