Brooder Setup Help


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 17, 2013
We currently have chickens, but are about to get our first set of chicks. I am confused as to how to properly set up the brooder lamp.

We plan to have them in a plastic bin or cardboard boxes in one of our bathrooms. How do I set to the lamp in there? Do I attach it to the side of the bin? But then how do I adjust the temp? Or do I screw together four pieces of wood in a rectangle and set the tub on one and hang there lamp with a chain from the top?
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I think the biggest mistake people make with brooders is to make them too small. They should have 0.5 sq ft per chick for 2 weeks, and 2.5 sq ft per chick above 4 weeks. As for having it in your house this is actually not a good idea, either, because you will be inhaling their dander, dust and even dried poop dust. Also, a plastic bin may very well not allow enough fresh air for the chicks; if the sides are tall enough to keep them in, the air won't exchange much at the floor level.

You can fasten the heat source most any way you want, as long as it is secure and can't possibly fall. Usually it's recommended to have two separate things holding it up. Also, if you use one of those "standard" lightweight metal heat lamp holders, be sure the bulb socket is ceramic, not plastic. I use one of these and hang it from above, and I secure it three different ways. The little metal loop that many of them come with, that is apparently meant for hanging, IMO belongs in the trash.... It's always best to have the heat source to one side of the brooder, unless the brooder is very large, so they can choose their preferred temp. Really, you can brood them in their coop if you are set up for it. My "brooder" is now a "room" in my coop with chicken wire walls. maybe 5' X 5'.

There are many brooder designs in our coop section. And here is a thread showing how one experienced breeder brooded his chicks in winter, outdoors:

And another picture from another experienced member:
We have our brooder indoors in the guest room and there isn't a single thing in that room not covered in dust at least a quarter inch thick. As far as attaching it, I took a c clamp and clamped it to the side of our brooder and then attached the lamp to that.

This is the inside of my brooder and it has worked well for from
the time I purchased it in 1997 and you can believe it worked
for Geese, Ducks, Pheasants, Quail, Chucker, kits, Chicks,
Baby Rabbit's, and I am sure I am missing something of course...

Any more I set it up in the shop that really is a three bed room
house but I use it as a shop and place of business ....

I hope you took a good look at my brooder as there are holes in
the sides to let the air in and escape easley and the heater is in
the back so the birds could move away at will for their safety or
comfort ......

Always do what you feel works for you in the end.....

This is my first growing cage it's 36 inches X 30 inches 24 inches
I keep them here anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks starting to 8 to 10
weeks ending before sending them to the big boy growing cage ...

Any question just hit the Quote button to get my attention ....

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