Brooder Size Dilema! Bigger less secure vs. splitting flock


7 Years
Jan 5, 2013
Hey ya'll.

New to chickens. I have 2 layers, 2 pullets in a coop and now 18 chicks in a indoor brooder. I'm using a large dog crate (plastic with metal door) and a Brinsea EcoGlo 20. I can see that the current dog crate is not going to be a long term brooder for all 18. I've already purchased a second EcoGlo 20 and while its DO-able... putting both in the current crate I have is getting very crowded.

So I'm faced with the dilema:

Split the flock into two crates ( chicks are going on week 2) or Use a large Cardboard box with a window screen on top.

I REALLY like the security of the dog crates...especially since we have cats and dogs in the house. We keep the brooder in our bathroom with the door closed, but *things* happen and with 2 small kids in the house I just feel better with more secure brooders.

But what consequences of splitting the flock (which will go into the same coop eventually) now? My first time, so I have a lot of questions. Forgive me!

I'll start with everyone in one brooder and as they get bigger split them up into smaller groups. I also put them outside in a secure growout pen all together when the weather is good. They get mixed up constantly so there isn't separate groups within the chicks. Giving them enough room as they grow is most important.
I just have to take a minute to brag... put a sports water bottle with chicken nipples on it in their crate yesterday... they are pecking away ( and drinking) at it as we speak! SO proud!

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