Brooder size? Location? etc,..


9 Years
Jan 11, 2013
North Eastern, Ky
First of all, I'm reading so many different things when it comes to WHEN you can safely remove chicks from brooder into coop/run without heat. We have no electric ran to our barn, so They would have to be fully ready to be put outdoors.
I've read anywhere from 4-8weeks is the best time to put them outside, but wondering what truth is to that.
I will be receiving 12 Silkie hatching eggs and 12 RIR eggs first week of march, so temps should be warming up by the time they are 4-8 weeks. So if all 24 hatch and are healthy, how large of brooder will I need for them to make it the entire time before they go into the coop/run full time?

My fiance' said we could just have a large tub and sit them out in the carport with something over top of the tub but he didn't think that thought through, we have to many predators around (dogs etc.,..) their would be no way I would do that. So, we have a spare bedroom and I'm thinking of using this bedroom, we could keep the door closed to keep any extra dust down throughout the house.

How bad is the dust from chicks? I've had birds and they definitely produced some dust...But with 24 chicks?! Is their anything you can do to keep that down?

Thanks for everyone's help, loving having such a wonderful resource at my fingertips and love having others to enjoy a hobby with too! :)
I believe I found what we are going to do for a Brooder, I found a 6' - 8' snap set pool or we could use a solid kiddie wading pool. Just secure fencing all the way around the pool itself. I figure 6' in diameter would be enough room for 24 chicks until it is time to go to the coop/run? We do NOT plan to keep all 24 by the way even if we hatched 24 healthy chicks, all roos will be sold and depending on how many are left more will go. I really am trying not to keep over 12-15 to leave a little play room with other breeds later on. It will be tough.

I still would like to know more about the dust issue and age to put them out? We also have hardwood floors which I would imagine would help with keeping the dust cleaned up better
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Hello! First off age has nothing to do with when you put them outside because different breeds feather out at different rates. The important thing is to gradually decrease the heat as they do gain more feathers so that by time they are fully feathered and ready to go outside it will not be a shock to them. As for how large of a brooder I've always read that you should plan for around 2 sq ft of space for each chick which should hold them till they are 8 weeks old. the chicks will be dusty but if the brooder is properly cleaned it will not be too bad and once they are older you could lightly mist the ground down with a teensy bit of water to help with it but keep in mind that they should be a few weeks old before doing this. Hope i was helpful! :)

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