BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

Don't really know if you would call these brooders or not. I use it them as broods/pens.

Plastic curtain used to keep heat in on young quail.

2 week old quail

Young Araucana chicks

older quail
Another Brooder. Found the bottom part in a Dumpster and added the top to it once I got it home. Used a bunch of scrap material I had laying a round.

My husband and I upcycled a few pallets into a brooder. It's got a divider in the middle, to keep them condensed until they get a bit bigger, a flip-up lid, and perches and legs (to raise it a ways off the ground) waiting to be installed. It also has a kid in it. LOL. But he won't be in there once the chicks arrive. Hopefully.

Please, please tell me this is big enough for 25 chicks for 4-6 weeks.

Nope ... I'd call 'em my next step in this ridiculous addiction that you've just fed ... soOo ... how does one avoid spendin' too much on quail?
It gets to be a Habit. I keep telling myself I am not going to hatch anymore and the next thing I know there are eggs in my incubator.
this is our first brooder.

for the first 2-3 weeks we split it in half and once they start getting bored we add things like, the roost, the little dish to dustbathe...ect.

It's a 5'x8' plywood construction, we put a tarp underneath it and tape it up so nothing can fall out. (it's just easier to keep the laundry room which they are in cleaner).
the first couple of days we used pine shavings, but they were really pecking on them and we had some losses (not sure if related) so we added straw. The chicks are now 20 days old and we put Wood pellets in there.
They immedietly started dustbathing so we added the dish with some peat moss.

I took this picture right after waking up this morning, that's why they are all huddled up by the eco glow.


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