BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

Either of these systems are stellar for keeping water clean, not having to change it out 3 or 4 times a day, and for keeping chicks hydrated. The first two shots are my day old chicks using the vertical nipple system. Nipples are available at most TSC stores. The bottom shot is a horizontal nipple placed in an instant powdered iced tea container. The vertical system does tend to drip when they drink or if they get to tearing around in there and bump the nipples, but it's localized and easily cleaned up with a spatula...pick up the little bit of damp bedding and pull some of the dry over it. I'll never go back to any open waterer.

Either of these systems are stellar for keeping water clean, not having to change it out 3 or 4 times a day, and for keeping chicks hydrated. The first two shots are my day old chicks using the vertical nipple system. Nipples are available at most TSC stores. The bottom shot is a horizontal nipple placed in an instant powdered iced tea container. The vertical system does tend to drip when they drink or if they get to tearing around in there and bump the nipples, but it's localized and easily cleaned up with a spatula...pick up the little bit of damp bedding and pull some of the dry over it. I'll never go back to any open waterer.

Do you think it would work for water fowl also?
I really don't know since I've never had any, but I thought I read somewhere once where they need to be able to dunk their heads so it might could probably ask on the duck forum...sorry, no help, I know.

Moved our 2.5 week old group of 10 chicks out to the big coop this past weekend. I built their own brooder section in a portion of unused space in the coop. So far they seem to love it. Hoping that this will help integrate them into the main flock being able to see them through the wire.


My boys of course love "helping" haha.

Now I can't decide if I want to build a small outdoor run and cut a doorway from their brooder to let them outside. I'm tempted to do this until they get big enough to fend for themselves and go full free range like the rest of the flock.

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Just posting an update on our brooder. The chicks love it! I just installed a little rabbit toy that hangs from there perch. They love it! They have been playing with it for an hour now! They won't even go to bed because of it. I love the fact my 18 fur(soon to be feather) babies are having so much fun!

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