Brooder vs brooder house

May 27, 2019
Smithville, MO
what is the difference? I’m trying to integrate my 1.5 and 2.5 week old chicks. I have been putting the chicks in a play yard during the day (when it’s not raining). Then back in the brooder in the commissary building at night. We recently found a black snake in our coop. Someone here suggested a brooder house. How is it different?
That wouldn’t help integration. Lol. I’m trying take advice from several articles and it’s making my head spin.
Thank you
I know what you mean. You will find varying opinions and then have to decide what to do for yourself. I don't have pesky snakes around here, so I haven't even tried to figure out how to keep them out of my pen. I think if you use 1/2" hardware cloth around your chicken run and coop, that would keep the snakes out of that area, but this wouldn't solve any free range time. Free ranging comes with risk.
I brood my chicks in my garage under super safe conditions until they are 8-10 weeks old. Then I put them out in a run and coop adjacent to my main run and coop for a month or two. They are nearly full sized before integration with the big girls.

In my brooder right now I have 3 chicks that are 4 weeks old and 1 that is 3 weeks old. They have been together since the beginning. I actually got the 3 older ones to help the lone egg hatch. They have gotten along well and I think that little one is going to end up quite tough because she is always trying to keep up. :wee

Your original question was what the difference was between a brooder and a brooder house. If now you are asking how to integrate, I would suggest just giving it a go. they are not far apart in age. :fl
I know what you mean. You will find varying opinions and then have to decide what to do for yourself. I don't have pesky snakes around here, so I haven't even tried to figure out how to keep them out of my pen. I think if you use 1/2" hardware cloth around your chicken run and coop, that would keep the snakes out of that area, but this wouldn't solve any free range time. Free ranging comes with risk.
I brood my chicks in my garage under super safe conditions until they are 8-10 weeks old. Then I put them out in a run and coop adjacent to my main run and coop for a month or two. They are nearly full sized before integration with the big girls.

In my brooder right now I have 3 chicks that are 4 weeks old and 1 that is 3 weeks old. They have been together since the beginning. I actually got the 3 older ones to help the lone egg hatch. They have gotten along well and I think that little one is going to end up quite tough because she is always trying to keep up. :wee

Your original question was what the difference was between a brooder and a brooder house. If now you are asking how to integrate, I would suggest just giving it a go. they are not far apart in age. :fl
It’s a little of both and more. On another post someone said I should use a brooder house to keep my chicks safe from snakes and to integrate them. I wrapped my play yard in hardware fabric to make it safer. Haha. It’s been pouring rain the last few days so they were excited to go out of the brooder.


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