broodie hatch

mama dixie

8 Years
Aug 11, 2011
I got some eggs from a friend of a friend. 11 copper marlin (sp) one olive egger, love the look of this one, and one he told me the name but forgot it. I will get it and update post. I put all 13 under my 3 broodie hens last night. here is hoping they will be good. the brown ones were not the solid color they were blotchie. I am so excited. it is so so cute when the girls get the eggs and tuck them under them and puff up and close there eyes they look so content. I am sure it is the same look I get when I get my morning coffee or a good piece of chocolate hee hee hee...I so love coffee and chocolate. I am going to seperate my favorels to get them to mate only with the favorel roo but for now they just beat him up, he is still a bit young but he crows and tries to mate. we will see....
Sounds exciting! When they hatch you'll have to post pics! I agree on the broodies, so cute. My broodies chicks JUST hatched. I have no idea what the chicks are (except that ones an EE and ones a OEGB) and she's got 11 little cuties.
My best friend was in my coop with me one day and seen my broody do the poof and sit (as I like to call it) she thought it was the funniest thing ever. She said she tripled her size in that one moment. I love the look of contentment they get. If they could smile they would be grinning from ear to ear
yes I love to see them puff up. it is funny I check them each day and one of them is just so mad when I do. she really pecked me hard. I only look to be sure she does not have extra eggs under her. I marked the ones I want them to hatch. the other two hens now lift up and show me and I give them a pat and its like they are saying what can you do, to the other hens. this is there second hatch and the first for the one that keeps pecking me, I guess she just needs to learn to trust me. I may try to give them each a worm when I check every other day or so. they just dont eat much when on the nest.
I am kinda bummed one of the eggs broke
my white legger went and tried to eat it... i booted her off the nest and the sitting hen whent and got back on it. I hope I don't lose anymore. are copper marans a good breed for eggs and meat, I have never seen one or raised them. he, the man I got them from, said they are show birds and the roo was very expensive. I hope they are nice birds. it was really nice of him to let me post date the check to get the eggs and all. I am looking forward to some new babies.
so far my three girls are still setting and we think that the first one to hatch should be on 1-25. so far we have not heard any peeps and I am now trying to not deserb the mama's except to slip them a treat now and then. the other hens will run over and set on the nest if they get up to get a drink and stuff it is so funny. I hope they hatch. my best broodie my little red who is a tiny bantam Cochin left her nest so I had to put the eggs under another. I hope they make it. some of the types will be olive egger, never seen this type of chicken but the egg is gorges, coper Marian and then the favor-ell Cochin mixes. they should be cute. has anyone raised the maran or olive eager's?

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