Broodies on eggs? Broodies with babies? Post here.

I still have not checked I hear alot of peeps though. I bet $100 they would all hatch we are waiting till the morning though. Anyone interested in finding out let me know.
I am dying to you have no Idea honestly I just can't wait any longer this is just crazy. I have to find out if all 5 hatched if not my better half gets $100
You don't understand this has been by far the worst broody game hen ever. She starts with 8 eggs and eats two of them on the second week having food & water. Then decide a day before the eggs are due to eat another one and I had to throw away a developed chick ( very devastating ) so now with 5 eggs left we will see what happens I hear alot of peeping but I don't even want to touch the hen.
Okay, I have the videos uploaded. Wanna see!!!!!

There are 5 videos. I don't have any software on this computer to splice them together. Sorry. I do recommend that you watch all 5. They show a chick hatching right next to momma.

The hen you hear making all sorts of noise in the background is my RIR Cinnamon. She is a vocal gal. She did eventually lay her egg and stop making all that noise. The kids didn't stop making noise, but our hens are used to the kids.

Notice how she isn't a pancake anymore. She is kind of lifted up to give more room under her now.

This one is a little blurry, but shows some momma hen behaviors.


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