Broodies on eggs? Broodies with babies? Post here.

I'd be hatin' that hen, too. They are animals. They don't reason, they funtion on instinct, and it isn't always perfect.

I hope she gets some chicks hatched for you!
gckiddhouse what great videos!!! congrats.

miss gracie is on day 22.
only 1 egg has pipping. how long should we hold out hope for? one hatched on day 20 and somehow ended up with a twisted neck. gracie is a 1st timer like us so we just don't know what to expect.
Ok I have one stubborn serama broody in my daughters clsoet on day 7 and now my goofy looking frizzle cochin is sitting on some eggs in the coop on day two. Ironically I thought the cochin was a roo for the longest time and she is the first of the "younger" birds to go broody. I'm hoping it stops at these two for now...
Well, bad news. My broody has officially given up and somehow ironically she knew today was day 25. I came home to find her out in the yard with the others, and 27 eggs in the nest. I knew there were alot but EGADS! I candled them all and there was nothing
I have another hen that is broody but I grabbed the two eggs out from under her. Will try again another time.
I have a Gracie update.......... we went out to check on her when we came back from running errands and........... theres peeping noises comming out from under her!!!!!!!!!

Mr Chubbs was running back and forth in the run so i just had to see what all the comotion was all about and that's what I heard when I peeked in on her
O what a sweet sound. Hopefuly things will be good in the am
and there will be a little fuzzy head or 2 or 3 peeking out at me when I go to check. So excited I cant't waite.
LilRalphieRoosMom - I'm so sorry to hear that.... I'm only on day 9 and I live in fear of the same thing happening to me. ~sigh~ Don't give up, okay?

Chickie Momma Di - SO???? Your last post was FOUR hours ago!!! Update! Please!

"The SurPriSe!! is that one of the "Marans" seems to be really light cream colored with puffy cheeks, feathers on its legs and 5 toes!!! Hmm. Melissa, did you sneak a Salmon Faverolle egg in??? All the eggs were dark. Don't know how that happened."

Not on purpose I didn't! We have one Faverolle that lays dark eggs... I have warned the family that we need to keep that egg separate and make sure it goes in with the Favs... Of course they all say "I can tell EXACTLY which egg it is... Well I now have proof that at least two of us can't... and one of the two is ME since I pack all the eggs.... Of course packing usually gets done at midnight when I am too pooped to see straight!

So glad you WANTED a Faverolles and have been sweet about it. Don't guess I would have ever heard the end from some people...

Glad you had such a wonderful hatch! Enjoy your chickens!


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