Broodies side-by-side?


Free Ranging
7 Years
Apr 23, 2017
Richmond, MO
Two broody hens have chosen side-by-side nesting boxes. They are the same age (7 months), same clutch, Bresse. Didn't want to hatch from them just yet, but it is what it is. Hatch is due Oct 4-5, and 7-9.

The only time I had more than one broody hatching at the same time, in close proximity, the 3 of them tried to kill each other once chicks hatched. Since then, I incubate. So I'm skeptical and clueless....

Can this work, really? Or should I separate them now, and risk one abandoning her clutch? Or steal all the babies and raise them in a brooder?
It can work, but succes is not guaranteed.

If the chicks in the first nest hatch its possible that it makes the other hen nervous. I think it’s probably better to separate the broody with the the chicks as soon as the broody with the chicks leave the nest.
.....I'd separate them now and get it over with before it's too late.
..... I think it’s probably better to separate the broody with the the chicks.....
I was afraid of that. Sigh. One of them (earlier hatch) is in a movable box, and I do have a separate hutch/mini-coop in a separate pen, within the bigger run. I'm lucky to have that option already, I just don't know yet if the box will fit into the hutch. If not, I'll have to wait until hers hatch to move them. I've just been hoping I wouldn't have to.
I was afraid of that. Sigh. One of them (earlier hatch) is in a movable box, and I do have a separate hutch/mini-coop in a separate pen, within the bigger run. I'm lucky to have that option already, I just don't know yet if the box will fit into the hutch. If not, I'll have to wait until hers hatch to move them. I've just been hoping I wouldn't have to.
There's no way to know ahead of time. You'll have to just watch them both and see.
I've read that it's best to wait until chicks hatch before moving the nest. Is that about right? I've moved a broody and eggs before, but they were only about 3 days in.
I've read that it's best to wait until chicks hatch before moving the nest. Is that about right? I've moved a broody and eggs before, but they were only about 3 days in.
Yes, do wait to move them until after the hatch.

I moved a hen once who didn’t tolerate the chicks of the nest next door. It was no problem to move her with the nest and eggs (could move the whole box at once). But I learned it was a risk doing so. Moving mama’s with chicks is no problem.
Like others have said, it is going to depend on the hens, but it definitely can work out. I've hatched with multiple broodies in the same coop -- some side by side. It has never resulted in dead or injured chicks, but it hasn't always been entirely peaceful. Twice I've had the senior hen insist on co-brooding with the other broody, even though the lower ranked hen clearly didn't want to and fought back for awhile. It was a little tough to watch, but they did work it out in the end. In all the other situations, the hens ignored the other broody and raised their chicks without incident.

When I've had more than one broody hatching at the same time, I do put a little barricade between the two broody hens, so the chicks stay put with the right mother. Then I keep a close eye on things.

Here is a broody with the barricade set up. The other picture is a now peaceful co-brood although the sussex was gang-pressed into it by white hen.

Two broody hens have chosen side-by-side nesting boxes. They are the same age (7 months), same clutch, Bresse. Didn't want to hatch from them just yet, but it is what it is. Hatch is due Oct 4-5, and 7-9.

The only time I had more than one broody hatching at the same time, in close proximity, the 3 of them tried to kill each other once chicks hatched. Since then, I incubate. So I'm skeptical and clueless....

Can this work, really? Or should I separate them now, and risk one abandoning her clutch? Or steal all the babies and raise them in a brooder?
I'm having exactly the same experience, except mine are not sitting on any eggs. They're in side-by-side nesting boxes. I was surprised to see them brooding at this age. It's only their first season and they've only just started laying.
Update: I decided to play it safe. I moved Betsy with her nesting box and eggs into a separate small coop/hutch and chick-safe pen. Abigail will remain with the 'flock' (one other hen and a rooster) until her chicks hatch. I'd leave her there to raise her chicks, but realized the run isn't chick-safe and well, long story short, it's easier to move her to another small coop I have and set up a pen instead of modifying their run. So I'd have had to move both broodies anyway!

As of this morning, Betsy has hatched two beautiful babies, and still sitting on five more eggs. She's doing GREAT as a first-time mommy. Abigail still has a few days to go.

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