Brooding ducklings


In the Brooder
May 27, 2017
Eastern CAN
so my day old ducklings come in today! My five little chicks are now two weeks old and doing great! Other than dealing with some pasty butt in one. I am splitting the brooder/upgrading to a bigger brooder for the ducklings. I do have a few questions.

I currently have sand in the bottom of my brooder. It works MUCH better for me than shavings, and I find it keeps the chicks happier, they love to scratch in it. Would this be suitable for ducklings?

Do ducklings keep at the same temperature as day old chicks? (90*)

Also a chick question: our house is 80* since it's been so incredibly hot, and the chicks are two weeks old. When can I turn the light off and start them on a sleep cycle? Right now the brooder is pretty much the same ambient temperature as the house.
Thanks! I have them home!

At first all they did was eat and drink, I didn't have any issues with them eating sand once they found the food. The chicks love them! I seperated them but the chicks wanted to see so I opened up the whole brooder. They're wonderful! I turned both my lights back on for heat and everyone loves to pile on top of eachother to sleep.

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