Broody but laying??


In the Brooder
Oct 9, 2020
I hope I’m not being repetitive. I have 3 barred rocks just about yr old. Ones been broody for the last couple weeks. No laying. Nest sitting. Blah blah. Today I collected the 2 eggs around 2pm. Let the girls out to free range for a few hours. Checked at 6:00 and broody in nest-of course. Was petting her and discovered 2 eggs!! What the heck! That’s normal? First time chicie owner. Btw they say to remove the nesting bedding but what does that do to to the hens who are laying?
Thanks for the feedback!
I don’t think removing the bedding would do much. It would ether unaffect the other birds and she would ether sit on the eggs without bedding or drag in more bedding. If it affected the other birds then they would just lay their eggs lying around which is a pain •_•
As far as the eggs go maybe she is trying to refill her nest? Or maybe your other birds layed their eggs right after you left?
A broody will often steal eggs or other hens will lay eggs while she is gone. Best way to cure a broody is to seperate her from the other chickens and nest boxes and keep her out of sight of them. In a few days she'll usually quite. A good preventative measure is to check eggs at least twice a day. Some hens will go broody no matter what. At a year old though it is doubtful she is ready to brood successfully. Hope this helps.

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