Broody/chick issue

Doing research...

Is it true chickens prefer a flat roost (rounded corners) over a round one? So many things I need to figure out.
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LOL You do have a lot of questions:)

There are so many techniques, opinions and articles here on BYC and the web about treating coops for lice/mites, I wouldn't know where to start. You may want to look at some of the popular bloggers like Chicken Chicken, Tilly's Nest and Fresh Eggs Daily for useful articles on the subject. Some use permethrin based products to regularly treat the coop, while others use herbs and essential oils. (Some don't use anything).

Personally I haven't had to treat my coop (yet:D) it's always a possibility. I do try to shop vac the dust and cobwebs about every 3months, I also do sprinkle a very small amount of poultry dust (permethrin) into the bedding about once a month and mix some into the nesting material when I think about it. I add a small amount of wood ash to the run in various places, especially favorite bathing spots. So far, I have not had any problems, but my flock does take a dust bath about every other day.

As for heating in the winter...if you are going through summer months now, then of course you don't need the extra heat. By the time winter rolls around, it you don't start providing supplemental heat, the chickens should adapt to cooling temps and you won't have to provide any. I'm not sure where you are located, but even in the middle of winter here in N.C. (nights in the teens(F) I had a few that were practically naked due to late molting - they did just fine. I made sure they were roosting between a couple of girls. What you want to make sure of is they don't have direct drafts in the winter (air/wind blowing on them). You DO need ventilation though - so make sure their is plenty of venting above them to pull out ammonia from poop and to bring in fresh air.

For the roosting bars, I don't know the dimensions. If you ask over on the coop forums I sure someone would have some great ideas.
Outside Eureka MT a few miles from the canadian border. Last winter we have many double digit negative temps. Many high -20's or is that low :). If I can't get heat in there then they won't be allowed to come outside at all. They will be hating life for a time. But if I get the right set up for drawing power over there outside the coop. I will be able to run an extension cord and get power in there. Just need the right box attached to the outside of the coop wired into plugs inside. Also not sure I want to deal with limited eggs. I could lose buyers... They have been buying from me since I started chickens with Landlord 10 years ago.

I will be taking many questions to an electrician or building center. Probably both. They usually have different suggestions..

I am one that seeks answers from many people, then make a final decision from those - common sense approach. Not always do people give common sense answers :)
I use to be one, in my younger day, with the opinion, I am right and don't care what others say. With age (53) and life experiences hitching around the nation, I learned I don't know everything. And not everyone thinks the same way. I often find I was thinking in the right direction. But often learn there is a better. easier, cheaper way. Also learned there are certain items I will never buy cheap again.

Thank you. I will run over to that forum and read for the next 3 days.

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