Broody duck laying on eggs of different ages


5 Years
Apr 7, 2014
Windsor, pa
Ok. So I have pekin duck...which I didn't think was supposed to be broody, but her and her sister both are, anyway, she hatched 3 babies yesterday. So the leftover eggs I candled before getting rid of them. well, they are fertile and at least a week or more behind in age. Anyone have experience like this. Should I remove the 3 ducklings and raise indoors? I don't want to if I don't have to. Will she be able to take care of both? She is up and down a lot and turning a lot due to the movement of the ducklings so I'm afraid the temperature won't stay correct and the eggs will die .
Unfortunately I've been collecting the other ones eggs so she hasn't really completely sat for very long periods and gone completely broody. the eggs are probably almost 3 weeks along, will they make it a few days until she gets that way if I switch her? Do you think it would be harmful if I moved the nest to a better location where I could place a heat lamp nearby? She is becoming very testy with me not because of the ducklings but because of the eggs. She ended up breaking one when she got up to chase me when I brought her food. She is attempting to lay on both the ducklings and eggs. Do you think I could give them to someone with an incubator at this point? Is it to late for that? I'm only afraid of them being banged around and loss of heat. It was an odd set up to begin with as she continued laying eggs up till about a week ago.I tried removing the newer ones but she sometimes wore off my markings so I couldn't tell which were old and which were new and she rarely moved off her nest for me to even do that. So that's why there are different ages. Has anyone else had successful multiple age hatches?

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