Broody hatched eggs —help!

My experience is limited but I have read of mommas killing chicks. I’ve also read of momma pecking eggs right before hatch. I’ve never experienced that. I did have one of my bantam chicks freak out and start attacking the nest with the chicks. I came I. In the morning to check things and found one chick in a different nest, a just hatched chick not under momma and other things. The other bantam was going at the nest with momma still in it. Momma was doing nothing. She had been fairly protective up until then. I wound up kicking everyone out of the coop except for momma. She was just in a trance and not responding to anything really. That’s the only reason I suggested it could be another chicken. If broody #1 is really protective then she may have prevented anyone from getting her babies. The other one might not be that good at mothering. Of course I don’t know. Just offering possibilities. Did any more hatch? And are they ok? I’m sorry you lost a chick.
Another baby hatched this morning... named it Turkey lol! Another egg has a pip hole Let all the others chicken to free range....She really doesn’t seem to be a great Mom like Broody #1 but hoping she gets the hang of it. I was able to pick chick up and put back down and she didn’t scoot it under her I had to do it.... I really want to keep them all together. The thought of setting up a brooder is overwhelming but I will if I have to. Seems strange that one hatched 2 days ago and now the rest are hatching hopefully today and tomorrow. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Who knew? Watching a mother hen care for her young could be so entertaining and enjoyable! I’ll never hatch out of an incubator again!


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Watching a mother hen care for her young could be so entertaining and enjoyable! I’ll never hatch out of an incubator again!
It is amazing!
Be prepared for when she weans them, it can be excruciating.
After having several broodies hatch, and a half dozen batches of incubator chicks,
I'd rather integrate bator chicks.

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